When to seek help?
When a heterosexual couple has tried to conceive for more than 1 year
without results, it is defined as involuntary infertility. Region Stockholm
offers a fertility investigation which you can have done at Stockholm IVF. Some
of the basic requirements for county council treatment for heterosexual couples
are that you have been sexually active for at least 1 year without becoming
pregnant, that you have been together for 2 years and that you live together.
You can't have a child in common. The woman who will be carrying the child must
be younger than 40 years of age and the man must be younger than 56 years of
age. If you live in a same-sex relationship or are applying as a single person,
please read the basic requirements for county-funded treatment here.
If you do not meet the county council’s requirements, self-payment of
treatment may be an option. Read more about it here under private consultation.
When should you seek
help earlier?
If the woman who wishes to become pregnant is over 35 years of age and
has either damaged Fallopian tubes (oviducts), endometriosis, complications
following abdominal surgery, long intervals between periods, or difficulty
determining ovulation, there may be reason to seek help earlier (after 6
months). If you as a man have had an injury or infection of the testicle or any
disease that can damage sperm production, it may also be a reason to seek help
How long does an
investigation take?
Our goal is for the fertility investigation to be completed within 1-2
months following the first appointment.
If you have initiated a study and you are not sure what the next step
is/what is happening: please get in touch with us!
Fertility investigation
by Region Stockholm (public health)What happens next?
Normally, a fertility investigation involves 3-4 appointments and is
managed by our doctors. The cost is SEK 400 per person and appointment. Your
free card may be used.
- The first appointment During your
first appointment, you and your (possible) partner will talk to a doctor. The
state of your health including work and mental health will be investigated
along with whether there are any obvious causes of infertility such as illness,
medication, heredity or surgery. A gynaecological examination will also be
carried out with ultrasound. After the appointment, blood samples will be taken
to check your thyroid (TSH) and egg cell reserve (AMH). You can have your blood
samples taken here. Possible male partner submits samples of his semen at
Karolinska Hopsital (see instruction here)
- The second appointment Examination
of blood tests and possible semen samples. Depending on the test results, plans
are made for the next stage of the study. If donated sperms are required,
additional certificates must be attached for the doctor (find them here).
- The third appointment Examination
of the uterine cavity ("HSG") and possibly also the oviducts
("HSSG") of the person who will be carrying the child. The
examination will involve the doctor carefully inserting a thin, soft tube
through the cervix so that the tip of the tube ends up in the lower part of the
uterine cavity. A saline solution is flushed in while the doctor performs an
ultrasound examination. To check the oviducts, a saline solution with contrast
bubbles is used. The examination takes about 10 minutes and is performed a few
days after menstruation. For more information as to what to consider beforehand
(link here).
- The fourth appointment Review of
results and continued planning. The investigation is complete. If you meet the
requirements for Region Stockholm care, a referral will be sent to the division
of Reproductive Medicine at Karolinska Hospital in Huddinge. Most people
receive a response within 4 weeks, but current referral times can be checked by
referring to the Reproduction Medicine website (link). Once you have received a letter of approval,
you can revert back to us for help with assisted reproduction.